MGR Walkthrough

Let’s get you set up in MGR!

Below you’ll find a video walkthrough as well as a written version complete with screenshots to show you the way. Feel free follow whichever one fits your learning style, or check out both!

MGR Text Walkthrough

Let’s get you  logged into MGR!

Use your store/shop’s username and password at the login screen.

You can also find the New Ticket and New Customer buttons on the left hand side under Tickets/Customers.

From here, you’ll search the ‘Bill to Customer’ field to ensure your customer’s information isn’t already in the system (using at least 3 characters in your search).

If that customer already exists in the system, the search bar will populate search results.

Let’s say your customer doesn’t appear when you type in their name or none of their information matches.

Instead of clicking on anyone in the dropdown menu, you’ll click the + button to the right of the search field.

These 3 fields are the only things you’ll need to worry about filling out on this page.

Please don’t mess with any other settings.

Once you’ve filled out the form, click ‘Add Customer’.

After verifying the customer, enter your store as the ‘Referring Customer’ by using the search field.

The other fields are where naming is a little tricky. We can’t change these field names, so for our purposes:

Short Info = Instrument Brand

Model = Instrument Type

Short Info must be at least 5 characters, so if the brand is only 4 characters just add a period “.” to the end.

When you search for the model (just like the customer), there must be at least 3 characters.

This search will populate anything with that name in it. Here you see searching ‘trumpet’ also pulls up ‘Piccolo Trumpet.’ Searching ‘sax’ would likewise generate ‘Alto Saxophone’, ‘Tenor Saxophone’, ‘Baritone Saxophone’ etc…

Select the correct (or most fitting) instrument type.

If entering a string instrument, please use the drop down menu under ‘Size’ to indicate the size of the instrument. 

Violin, Cello, Bass use fractions. Viola is measured in inches.

Size should be indicated on the label inside the instrument, visible through the f holes.

Once all the necessary information is entered,  your ticket should look like this.

Click ‘Add New Ticket’ to advance to the next screen. (Sometimes this requires clicking the button twice)

The next screen of the ticket entry will look like this.

We’ll take care of any of the Product/Service entry once we get the instrument into the repair shop.

So there’s only 2 things you’ll need to enter/change on this screen: adding a comment, and changing the location.

In the comment box, you’ll enter what the customer has told you is wrong with the instrument.

This gives us and you a record of what the instrument came in for and us an idea of what issues to look for.

Once you’ve typed the comment in, hit send. (All other comment settings will stay the same)

After hitting send on the comment, you’ll see a number pop up next to ‘Ticket Comments’ letting you know this worked as desired.

Next, set the ‘Station/Location’ to your store/shop. This indicates to us that there is an instrument needing work at your shop.

After selecting your store/shop, hit ‘Update Ticket’ to save changes.

Updating the ticket will reload the page and you’ll be able to see your comment under the comment field as well as double check that the location is set to your store/shop.

From your Tickets screen you’ll be able to see any tickets you’ve created with their accompanying reference #, customer information, and instrument information.

Similarly, any customers you create will show up in the Customers tab.

*Note: you will not be able to search any customer in the system from this page like you can when creating a ticket. This page will only show customers you have created.

Once the ticket has been created, we will be notified and a shipping label will be emailed to you. Print it out, slap it on the box you packaged the instrument in and send it with UPS.

Premium Music Products and their technicians will handle any communication with your customer directly about the repairs their instrument needs. Please refer related questions to the shop phone number or to their customer portal.

Thank you for your business!

This is your Dashboard.

You don’t need to worry about any of the activity boxes at the bottom; we use those in the repair shop to keep track of tickets.

The New Ticket button will be your most used feature, but the New Customer and Search Ticket buttons are worth noting.

When you click the Add New Ticket button, this pop up window will appear to create a new repair ticket.

Make sure to confirm the contact information with your customer to verify you are assigning the ticket to the correct person.

A pop up window will generate with the required fields to add a new customer.

Enter the customer’s name, mobile number, AND EMAIL.

Settings won’t allow us to require the email, but this is crucial information for our operation. Email is how we will communicate with the customer about their instrument and any updates and other info we’ll have down the road.


This will add your new customer on to the ‘Bill to Customer’ field on the ticket form.

Remember to double check customer information before proceeding.

The next 4 data entry boxes, you’ll leave as they are. (Ship to Customer, Ticket Date, Due Date, and Issue Type)